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   פרקים נבחרים מעבודות מדעיות של ד"ר פינקל ב.

ד"ר פינקל מומחה בפסיכיאטריה ופסיכוגריאטריה,כאן נציג חלק מהעבודות                                               המדעיות על ידע מעמיק בתחומים שונים.
"פכסיכוגריאטריה-פרקים נבחרים",הוא ספר לימוד מקצועי ומקיף,הראשון
שרואה אור בשפה העברית,והוא פורס לפני הקורא את כל התחום הנרחב
של מחלות אורגניות ומחלות נפש,הפוגעות בתפקוד המוחי של הקשיש.
    כל הנושאים העיקריים של תחום הפסיכוגריאטריה נכללים בספר,מהנפש אל הגוף,מדיכאון,דרך דליריום
ועד לדמנציה.
בספר זה ד"ר פינקל בוריס כתב פרק חשוב: תסמינים התנהגותיים ונפשיים בדמנציה (פרק 10,עמוד269)
    Published :

1.   Genotypic Association between the Dopamine D3 Receptor and Tardive Dyskinesia in      Chronic Schizophrenia

    Molecular Psychiatry  4:247-253, 1999                    

      Dr.Finkel B.:


2.  Olanzapine  treatment in patients with typical and atypical neuroleptic associated                   agranulocytosis.

     International Clinical Psychopharmacology  13: 133-135, 1998

        Dr.Finkel B.:


3.   Hallucination Persisting Perception disorder Treatment with Clonidine.

     American Journal of Psychiatry  155: 1460, 1998

         Dr.Finkel B.:


4.  Risperidone associated agranulocytosis.

     American Journal of Psychiatry  155: 855-856, 1998



5.  A rare short allele of serotonin transporter region (5-HTTLPR) found in an aggressive                       schizophrenic patient of Jewish Libyan origin.

     Psychiatric Genetic 10: 1-5, 2000



6.  Dose dependent olanzapine-associated leukopenia: three case reports
     International Clinical Psychopharmacology , 16: 117-119, 2001 *



7.  Intermittent luteal phase nefazodone treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder
     Journal of Psychopharmacology , 15: 58-60, 2001 *


8.   LSD-induced hallucinogen persisting perception disorder treatment with
clonidine: an open pilot study
   International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 18: 35-37, 2000 *



9.  Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Insertion  Deletion Polymorphism: Case Control                       Association Studies in Schizophrenia, Major Affective Disorder and Tardive Dyskinesia                     and a  Family Based Association Study in Schizophrenia.

     American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric  Genetics)- September, 2001



10.  Association between the serotonin 2A receptor gene and tardive dyskinesia in
     chronic   schizophrenia.

     Molecular Psychiatry (in press) *



11.   Association between the serotonin 2C receptor gene and tardive dyskinesia in
     chronic schizophrenia; additive contribution of 5-HT2Cser and DRD3gly alleles to

     Psychopharmacology (in press) *



12.  Flashback and hallucinogen persisting perception disorder: clinical aspects and
       pharmacological treatment approach

     Israel Journal of Psychiatry (in press) *



13.  Buspirone in the treatment of adjustment disorder

      International Clinical Psychopharmacology



14. Olanzapine overdose. Complication and Management

    International Clinical Psychopharmacology


15. Video Testimony of Long-Term Hospitalized

       Psychiatrically III Holocaust Survivors

       Am J Psychiatry 162;12, December 2005



16.  היפול בתרופות במחלת הסכיזופרניה: השווה בין התרופות מהדור השני

          ((הרפואה כרך 144, חב' ד' (אפריל 2005)






1.  Olanzapine treatment in patients with typical and atypical neuroleptic-associated


        The Fourth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March  1998.

        KfarGiladi, Israel.

        Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 35, Number 1,1998

           Dr.Finkel B.,//


2.   Dopamine Transporter polymorphism and tardive dysknesia in chronic
      schizophrenia patients: an association study.

      The Fourth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March  1998.

      KfarGiladi, Israel.
        Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement). Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998                       

           Dr.Finkel B.,//


3.   Dose dependent olanzapine-associated leukopenia: three case reports.  

      The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry.  March 2001.

       Kfar Giladi, Israel.



4.   LSD-induced poor insight flashback and long term treatment with risperidone.
      The Fifth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March 1999.
      Kfar Giladi, Israel.

       Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement). Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999



5.  LSD-induced intoxication treatment with risperidone.        

     The Fifth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March  1999.

      Kfar Giladi,Israel.
      Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999



6.  LSD-induced anxiety disorder treatment with buspirone.
     The Fourth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March  1998.                     
       Kfar Giladi, Israel.
     Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement). Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998



7.   Intermittent, luteal phase nefazodone treatment of premenstrual disphoric disorder.

      The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry.  March  2001.

       Kfar Giladi, Israel.

       Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 38, Number 1, 2001



8.   Concomitant hallucinogen persisting disorder (HPPD) and major depressive

      disorder: management with nefazodone.

      The Fifth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March 1999.

      Kfar Giladi, Israel.

      Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement). Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999



9.   Risperidone in Tourette's disorder with OCD.

      The Fifth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March   1999.

      Kfar Giladi, Israel.
      Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999



10.  Association between the Dopamine D3 Receptor and Tardive Dyskinesia in

       The Fifth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March   1999.

       Kfar Giladi, Israel.
       Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999


11.  Psychosis associated with clomiphene treatment.    

       The Fourth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March 1998.

       Kfar Giladi, Israel.
       Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement). Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998



12.  LSD-induced psychotic disorder treatment with risperidone and Hallucinogen

       Persisting    Perception Disorder.

       The Fourth Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March 1998.

       Kfar Giladi, Israel.

       Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement). Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998




                                    PAPERS PRESENTED AT SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS.


1.   Intermittent, luteal phase nefazodone treatment of premenstrual disphoric disorder.

      The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association of Biological

      Psychiatry. March 2001. Kfar Giladi. Israel



2.   Dose dependent olanzapine-associated leukopenia: three case reports
      The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association



3.   Concomitant hallucinogen persisting disorder (HPPD) and major depressive  disorder:                       management   with nefazodone.

      The Fifth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March 1999.                 

      Kfar Giladi, Israel.

      Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999.



4.  Risperidone in Tourette ‘disorder with OCD.

     The Fifth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March 1999.               

     Kfar Giladi, Israel.

     Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999.



5.  LSD-induced poor insight flashback and long term treatment with risperidone.

     The Fifth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March 1999.            

     Kfar Giladi, Israel.

     Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999.



6.  LSD-induced intoxication treatment with risperidone.

     The Fifth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March 1999.           

      Kfar Giladi, Israel.

      Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999.



7.   Association between the Dopamine D3 Receptor and Tardive Dyskinesia in Schizophrenia.      

      The Fifth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March 1999.                  

      Kfar Giladi, Israel.

      Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 36, Number 1, 1999.



8.   Psychosis associated with clomiphene treatment.

      The Fourth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March 1998.    

     Kfar Giladi, Israel.

     Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998.



9.   LSD-induced anxiety disorder treatment with buspirone.

      The Fourth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March 1998.       

      Kfar Giladi, Israel.

      Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998.



10.  LSD-induced psychotic disorder treatment with risperidone and Hallucinogen Persisting         

       Perception Disorder.

       The Fourth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March 1998.         

       Kfar Giladi, Israel.

       Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998.



11.   LSD-induced Hallucinogen Persistent Perception Disorder treatment with clonidine:

        a pilo open study.

        The Fourth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March  1998.

        Kfar Giladi, Israel.

        Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998.



12.  Olanzapine treatment Lerner AG,in patients with typical and atypical                  

       neuroleptic-associated.  Agranulocytosis.

       The Fourth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological  Psychiatry. March 1998.

       Kfar Giladi, Israel.

       Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998.



13.  Dopamine Transporter polymorphism and tardive dysknesia in chronic shizophrenia                        patients: an association study.

       The Fourth Congress of the Israeli  Association  of Biological Psychiatry. March     1998.  

       Kfar Giladi, Israel.

       Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Supplement), Vol. 35, Number 1, 1998



14.  Naltrexone induced tobacco intake reduction.

     Third Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry.March 1996.          

      Kfar Giladi, Israel.



15.  Indicators of good prog G,nosis in naltrexone treatment: a five years prospective study.

       The Third Congress of the Israeli Association of Biological Psychiatry. March 1996.     

        Kfar Giladi, Israel.




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